
Importance Of Breast Feeding

The importance of breastfeeding is uncountable. Breast milk, especially through breastfeeding is important for every newborn baby’s survival and growth . Momewear Maternity Clothing Stores is here to guide every new mom about the importance of breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Nursing Top


1. After a baby’s birth, breast milk is the only natural food a mother can provide. Breastfeeding keeps a baby healthy and fit every day. So, breastfeeding every day is quite crucial.

2. Breast milk supplies all the important nutrients which help to protect a baby from some common diseases, such as, cough and cold, stomach ache, diarrhea, , constipation etc.

3. Breast milk is easily digestible by most babies.

4. It is also proven that breastfed babies have higher IQ level.

5. Breast milk keeps babies attain a healthier body weight.

6. It also protects a baby from adulthood disease. Such as cancer, obesity, type 1 diabetes, heart and liver disease.

7. Breast milk helps to develop a stronger immune system, proper skeletal structure and also helps to grow a stronger bone development.


Regular breastfeeding also benefits, a mother from many sides. But many women are often unable to breastfeed their baby due to some major health problems. Many working women are also can’t able to provide breast milk in time. These might cause some complications in the future. The importance of breastfeeding from a mother’s side is as follows-

1. Breastfeeding makes the mother-baby bond stronger. Holding a baby ‘skin to skin’ releases ‘Oxytocin’ which helps to produce more milk, and also prevent chances of internal hemorrhage.

2. Breastfeeding can lessen the chance of premenopausal breast cancer, protect from type 2 diabetes, also reduce the chance of ovarian cancer.

3. Women gain extra weight during pregnancy. Regular breastfeeding can help women return to their before-pregnancy shape.

4. Breastfeeding also protects a mother from postpartum depression.

Give your baby only breast milk for up to 6 months. Remember breast milk available all the time you want. Even when you will be on outside you can easily feed your baby. Needless to say, having some sets of breastfeeding friendly tops is quite crucial. However, working women can store milk in a feeding bottle and put the bottle in the refrigerator.

Breastfeeding Nursing Tops

Momewear brings you Breastfeeding Friendly Tops which are very easy to use for every woman, utterly comfortable with best quality material. Do not forget to wear when you go out.

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