Nursing your baby is the first task that comes with childbirth. It is a crucial thing to do so that your baby grows up without any health problems. While breastfeeding your baby with care, it is also important for the mom to feel comfortable during feeding, which is why it is wise to buy nursing wear online for your convenience.
Breastfeed your baby as often as required. In the early days and weeks, day and night, your baby will wake and feed frequently. During this time, the baby will be able to feed only in small amounts. But at the same time, they will digest easily and absorb it quickly, resulting in feeding often. After a week, they will feed at least 8-10 times a day, which means you will require to breastfeed your baby every 90 minutes to 2 hours. You should keep an eye on the number of feeds your child is having. By breastfeeding often, you will be building up your milk supply.
While breastfeeding, check that your baby is latched on well. Otherwise, your baby may feel unsettled and cranky because they are unable to get a good feed. Sometimes, your baby may want to feed more often for a longer time, at night. This is normal because your body produces more prolactin, the hormone that makes milk, at night.
When your baby takes lots of feeds and isn’t interested in settling to sleep for a couple of hours or more, it is known as cluster feeding. This is normal for small babies. It is common for babies to have growth spurts from time to time, and become hungrier because of this. Your milk supply will change to suit your baby’s needs. In response to your baby’s growth spurt, your milk supply should go up within a day or two. There’s no need to use a formula in the meantime.
Your baby’s feeding pattern will become more predictable over the next few months. This can take a while to establish, though, so try not to be disheartened. Your baby will tend to go for longer between feeds when they become more practiced and expert at feeding, and when they will start taking more of an interest in her surroundings.
When your baby starts eating solid food at about six months, your breastmilk will still be an important food source for her. By then, you and your baby will have mastered the breastfeeding pattern. But even then you should keep wearing nursing clothes bought online as that will be for your benefit.